the Class
Challenge to prepare for camp
June 26th 2015
to prepare for camp
Blindfolding each other
At school
The Trust Challenge
Today room 8 did the trust challenge to prepare for our adventure at merc next week.We had three tasks to do around the school. before we started our teacher Mrs dines gave us a number either one or two to see what the students would be doing.
After being partnered up.The number one person had to guide the person had to lead the person to our school gate without going on the grass .Number two had to listen follow and trust there buddy's.
When the class successfully to the school gate the roles were switched around the blind person became the leader while the leader became the blind person .The leaders were now allowed to make there own customized course but we wert aloud in the playground or in the bottom court.The leader had to successfully take the follower back to class.
For the last challenge the class was turned into the maze by the furniture that was in the class.
The roles were changed again The blindfolded person had to get the end of the classroom while the leader had to guide the person who couldn’t see around the maze and out of the classroom.